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Проект "Граждански диалог"
Моята история
2020/004 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Гражданско участие в процесите за модернизация на правораздаването
Проект BGCULTURE-2.001-0093
Проект Био-Б-Еко мярка 7.1
2022/009 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Новини Галерия Карта Контакти

In the region Jenevra, 12 kilometers from Borino, is located the roman bridge Kemera. It is an arched bridge, constructed with hand cut stones and supported with white mortar. Parts of the facial brickwork and the corners of the beautifully curved arch are formed with well cut stones. While walking over the bridge you will notice the surface is made of small river stones, worn from travelers through the centuries. The Kemera Bridge is 32 meters long and 3.6 meters wide with a height of 6 meters.

Tourists visiting Kemera have the opportunity to touch ancient history in a wild part of the Rhodopes which time has left behind. Kemera is a part of the route of the ancient Roman road connecting Philopopolis (Plovdiv) through the Rhodopes to Nikopulic ad Nectum (Nevrokop, today’s Gotse Delchev).

Kemera - Gallery

2005 СНЦ "Био-Б-Еко", Web design Balkan Sys