English Български

Търсене в сайта:
За Борино
Селищна система
  - Чала
  - Ягодина
  - Кожари
  - Буйново
Места за настаняване
Туристически ИнфоЦентър
Продуктов каталог
Полезна информация
Проект Trees-Against-Ppoverty
Пеперудения свят на Кастракли
DMS Виденица
Профил на купувача
За нас
Туристически маршрут Мост Кемера
Късноантична крайпътна станция от V век -край с.Борино
Документи Био-Б-Еко
Проект "Граждански диалог"
Моята история
2020/004 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Гражданско участие в процесите за модернизация на правораздаването
Проект BGCULTURE-2.001-0093
Проект Био-Б-Еко мярка 7.1
2022/009 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Новини Галерия Карта Контакти

The village of Chala is located 8 kilometers from Borino, picturesquely situated on a high, rounded peak. The name of the village comes from the Turkish word “chal” – a high mountain peak with meadows for pasture. In the village live 211 people mostly engaged in growing potatoes, and sheep and cattle raising. Years ago, settlers chose the area to settle because of the lush meadows to graze their flocks. The material (folk) culture is typical for the Rhodopes, but like many villages in the region the combination of colors and ornamentation are distinct.

The surrounding area of the village reveals stirring panoramic views of the Saint Iliya peak (Balbanski Kamuk - Yagodina Rock) and to the south the highest point, 1640 meters (5,379ft), in this part of the Rhodopes - Videnitsa Peak (Gjoztepe). The name Gjoztepe comes from Turkish, “Gjoz” - eyes, “tepe” - peak.

There is speculation, which is supported by ancient legends, that on Videnitsa was located the Temple of Dionysius. Dionysius is the god of wine and merriment and in his honor were organized magnificent gatherings. The peak is of great value from an archeological viewpoint and is popular site for tourists in the region because of the beautiful nature surrounding it and the amazing view of the Aegean Sea to the south during clear weather. A newly marked trail makes a visit to the peak accessible for tourists on their own or with a local guide which can be arranged by the Tourist Information Center in Borino.

Chala - Gallery

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