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Моята история
2020/004 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Гражданско участие в процесите за модернизация на правораздаването
Проект BGCULTURE-2.001-0093
Проект Био-Б-Еко мярка 7.1
2022/009 EUR GIVE-HOPE
Новини Галерия Карта Контакти
“Videnitsa” /Gjoztepe/

Videnitsa Peak is located two kilometers from the village of Chala. The Turkish name for the peak is Gjoztepe. This name comes from its height, 1652 meters, and the view from the top in all directions. On the peak you will find large boulders and ancient walls. There is speculation that on this peak was located the temple of Dionysius used by the Thracian tribes of Beci. In ancient history there was a rotunda with colonnades and round opening in the roof and an alter for sacrifices. The ancient walls and other relics which can be found on Videnitsa are most likely from this temple.

From Videnitsa there are impressive views towards a sea of green forests with islands of imposing cliffs. A newly marked trail makes a visit to the peak accessible for tourists on their own or with a local guide which can be arranged by the Tourist Information Center in Borino.

Videnitsa - Gallery

2005 СНЦ "Био-Б-Еко", Web design Balkan Sys